
ZinEX VIP Paired to Perfection: An Evening of Food and Wine Pairings SOLD OUT!

Thursday, January 25, 2024
One Market-Wine and Wall private dining, 1 Market Street, San Francisco

ZinEX VIP Paired to Perfection: An Evening of Food and Wine Pairings SOLD OUT!

January 25, 2024  
| 5:30pm
– 8:30pm

*Times subject to change

ZINEX 2024 - Thursday

Paired to Perfection: An Evening of Food and Wine Pairings

One Market Restaurant
Available only with purchase of VIP Package–SOLD OUT

5:30 – 8:30pm
Famous pairs:
  • Lennon and McCartney
  • Clark Gable and Carole Lombard
  • Peas and Carrots
  • Zinfandel and private dining at One Market


Tonight we pair Zinfandel and gourmet food created to complement each wine. Eight times!

Chef Mark Dommen and Sommelier Tonya Pitts have been turned loose to create eight courses of small plates (including dessert) to perfectly complement the wine from each of our eight Zinfandel winemakers to create an evening of paired perfection you’ll never forget.

This year, a limited number of VIPs Only, are invited to gather together for a private dining “Paired to Perfection” experience at One Market’s Restaurant, Wine and Wall, located across the street from our host hotel, 1 Hotel San Francisco. This pairing extravaganza ticket is not for sale a la carte, instead, it is included in the ZinEX VIP package only.

You and ZinEX-2024, a pairing of perfection!

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One Market-Wine and Wall private dining, 1 Market Street, San Francisco

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